not all who wander are lost

not all who wander are lost

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

clueless and happy and totally behind schedule...

Rising from a drowsy delicious half-sleep. I am a beat behind the rhythm of the clock today, and happily...

Lifting the curtain of time to give you a peek into last night at the Brooks Free Library in Harwich: Women's work ending war, a celebration of International Women's Day. It. was. awwwwwesome. Poetry from-the-soul silenced our chockfull room, holding our collective breath to hear the next word, phrase followed by passionate applause, the kind that is full of thank yous and wows and mmms. Dance, the kind where your eyes are glued to the bodies of the performers and you feel stirred in your core. Singing, the whole room, together, loud and hungry for putting our own voices, and together, to Peace and Stand up for justice, and History and Herstory, harmonizing. People put themselves out there in such raw and powerful ways last night. Riveting, inspiring. I'm excited that the community of last night exists here. And all the while, I was side by side with my friends from school, and that felt good too. Really good. At the end of the night, during the last performance, I felt a little tiny hand on my neck. I looked behind me and there was a wee-boy trying to put a necklace over my head :) I tipped my head low, and he stretched his little body, eyes wide, smile Huge and put the cord over my head. It felt significant, like a metal of honor, like the white kata scarf in Tibetan Buddhism. A blessing. So good. So good. The whole night.

And so it is that I start the season of Lent and this Ash Wednesday with such contentment and with this smile. I haven't decided yet how to mark these 40 days and the first is already upon me. I have until 5:30 tonight to figure it out, plenty of time for inspiration. Tonight I'll slip into the little old church by the sea, darkness adorned with candles, quiet. My forehead be smudged with ash and oil, and I will carry with me an inspired intention to hold sacred for the next 40 days...for now I'm clueless and happy and running totally behind schedule...

Blessings dear ones~


Anonymous said...

love reading this blissed out update. I could feel the room and picture you in it.

xo, em

Hey Monkey Butt said...

That does indeed sound so very awesome! Lovely post!