not all who wander are lost

not all who wander are lost

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Pictures from Switzerland and Germany

A few pictures of our time in Switzerland:

On the train...

a quiet spot in the hills....

Mountain in the mountains, Chamonix France

The last night we were in Geneva we heard through the grapevine that the Sierra Leone Refugee All-Stars were playing in a park somewhere in town. We were on foot and it was cold and raining and the park was an unknown destination....well, we finally found it and the show was still on despite the downpour. It was awesome!

We danced in the rain with a real mix of people....NGO workers, dreadlocked happy hippies, refugees, students, little ones, old ones, all kinds. It was a nice experience. My favorite part was the band...they were GROOVIN'! Lots of energy, booty dances, jigs, playful, joyful, harmonies, voices and jams and grooves of Africa. Beautiful beautiful.

Germany: On the way back to Sri Lanka, we stopped in Germany to visit my sister Jessica (the one that doesn't live in Grand Rapids), my brother in law Anthony, and my 7 month old niece Alethia Ann Simone.

We only had 48 hours together but it was really nice and relaxed. We took it slow and easy. Talked a lot, exchanged experiences of living as Americans overseas, pondered the future, and caught up on things that have happened over the past few years. We visited Anthony's office.

Youth pastor at work

Hanging out with Alethia was awesome. She is incredibly precious and we spent much of the time just watching her, playing with her, exchanging smiles which felt like a gift every time.

Jessica and Anthony live very close to where Leo spent 3 years of his childhood so we toured the ole stompin' grounds at Ramstein.

The apartment: 1260, C7


the movie theater, and the rec center (which we don't have a picture of)

It was a trip down memory lane for Leo and awesome for me to see where he spent time as a kid.

We had great food the whole time we were in Germany. Anthony and Jessica have a favorite Mexican restaurant which we visited twice in 48 hours. Dawgies were HUNGRY for good Mexican which we can't get in Sri Lanka. We loaded up on margaritas, bean chimichangas, chips and salsa and guacamole, and sopapillas (?sp?).

Before we arrived in Germany Leo and I decided that while we were in Germany, we would seek out a nice little spot that served up steamin' bratwurst with sauerkraut. We shook hands on it, "if you eat one, I'll eat one". Anthony and Jessica knew just the place. On a twisty road lined with pine trees was a little nook with tables outside. Frothy mugs of German beer, salty fries, and steamy brats in fresh crunchy soft buns with hot sauerkraut and mustard.

With a little whisper of thanks to the animal spirit, we chomped down on the first red meat in many years. It's been a long time. And to be honest, it was DELICIOUS.

Doesn't mean that my veggie days are over but I enjoyed the experience and if the right moment comes along again, I just might take a bite out of it too.

We also got to visit a nearby ruins of an old castle on a hill not far from their home.

We are now back in Colombo. Driving from the airport to our apartment, it felt like we had come home. Not in the same way as it feels for me when I return to Michigan or Spirit Lake's home for now and there was something comforting in that. Hot and humid and crazy as ever, but familiar and good.

That's it from us.

Blessings to all of you,
Sara & Leo

1 comment:

Christi Gast said...

Looks like an awesome trip...wish we could have been there with all our favorite peoples!!