not all who wander are lost

not all who wander are lost

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

you know....tellapuddy

my colleague at work today looked at me sweetly, expectantly. she was clearly having a moment with me, a special moment. i was not getting it.

"tellapuddy" she said smiling.

i pictured colorful fuzzy people things. i stared blankly back at her......TELLApuddy? i asked. know tellapuddy?

TELLaPUDDY? (i was trying brain twisting the sound and rhythm tell-A-puddy, TELLapuddy, tellapudDY....WHAT?!! WHAT IS TELLAPUDDY?!!)

the moment was over. i was still thinking fuzzy rainbow people.

no, I don't know tellapuddy.

tellapuddy...when you think and i think together, same thing.
we think same thing same time, tellapuddy.

i don't know about you sister but i'm thinking that Zachary is coming in 3 days and i'm about to enjoy vacation in sri lanka with my blandford boys...that's where i'm at.....that or fuzzy rainbow people.


emily said...

how about tellabuddy?

Chaz said...

Tallapureddy maybe? It's an Indian surname.

MountainWave said...

The winning answer to the Sinhala pronunciation riddle for "tellapuddy" is...telepathy.

The hint: tellapuddy...when you think and i think together, same thing.
we think same thing same time, tellapuddy.

emily said...

i got it, i thought sister had made up her own word for telepathy!

hilarity ensues.

The Youngs said...

i was with you sista, thinking the same, even down to those little cuties in their all-in-one rainbow suits. many a time i've questioned why they don't make those suits for grown ups. just imagine, you're feeling unwell or just a little grey, and then you could put on your all-in-one tellapuddy suit and the world would feel a better place .....

Doug said...

OK! It's Saturday evening your time...time for on an update on Zackidydoodah's whereabouts?!!!!!