I spend time with someone who has many years under her belt and who, over those years, has worn deep groves in the field of her mind. These little cognitive pathways create a picture of reality for her each and every day that is colored by negativity and lacking. Habits of thought. We all develop our own patterns, consciously and subconsciously. Each morning she wakes and counts her ills. Each afternoon she reflects on what a horrible morning its been and what a dreadful day it is being. And I stand with her, keeping vigil for the light within her for it is there and it glimmers from time to time. And I shine my own, and perhaps it is brighter for the dark. I tell you...there's nothing that makes me more aware of the importance of our thoughts and the cognitive grooves we create over time in our minds, than spending time with her.
The other day, I was feeling a little overwhelmed. Needs were poking out from every which way, dust bunnies, the clothes, spring weeds, school deadlines, the tending of precious ones, including myself. And my experience with the woman afore-described spirited me into reframing my reality into a less distorted vision. The weeds, yes, and always they will be. And what beckons me as readily to the garden to dig my fingers into the dirt? Shun not what beckons you toward that which you love...weeds. And deadlines. In these days, only they can bring me to the day of accomplishment and on to new beginnings.
Those challenging personalities in our lives teach us about ourselves, give us practice stoking our Light ever brighter, inspire us to cultivate with greater mindfulness the field of our minds.
A blessing by Jan L. Richarson:
the wisdom to know the story
to which God calls you,
the power to pursue it,
the courage to abide its mysteries,
and love in every step.
...walking out the door...love in every step.
Blessings to this day.
Thank you, Sara. That was beautiful.
Thank you, Sara. That was beautiful.
Thank you, Sara. That was beautiful.
Thank you, Sara. That was beautiful.
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