not all who wander are lost

not all who wander are lost

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Book Club for the Homeless

To looking around and Seeing as we move from one thing to another,
To taking time to say hello to people we do not know,
To making friends,
To shining our light and seeing the light in others,
I say yes yes yes yes...

This little video clip was sent to Boston University students and I thought it was pretty awesome and inspirational...take a look:

Watch this video on YouTube


Alexia said...

Thanks for sharing Sara! This is totally inspirational. Books and literature have such an amazing power to connect us all and show us our commonalities. The book club I started five years ago has had several homeless in and out of attendance, and one homeless lady that has been there since the start. This makes me want to reach out even more.

MountainWave said...

I love that you have a book club, and I love (from the sounds of it) its suchness. That's very cool sister. I'd be in it if I still lived in the Mitt'

XO Sara

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