not all who wander are lost

not all who wander are lost

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fishermen's Supply

Leo and I had an unexpected few hours off yesterday. How did we use them? Browsing at the Fishermen's Supply of course! New gloves for Leo. He tried on chest waders, I ordered some. We schooled ourselves on all manner of foul-weather gear, much of it made by Scandinavian companies. Pride of my Viking heart. I ended up using some of my birthday money to buy a SWEEEEET rubbery rainproof parka lined with fleece with neoprene sleeve cuffs. I will be warm and dry, which is essential to enjoying (and working effectively in) inclement weather.

That said, we aren't out on this cold, wet morning. Cap'n called last night and gave me the morning tide off. Then he called this morning and gave Leo the same grace. Aaaand he said he'd help us buy our waders! Music to my ears. While I'm elder-caring today, Leo will return to the Fishermen's Supply and pick up his and hopefully my waders and some raingear for himself. I think we're both working the evening tide instead. It's become a bit autumnal the past several days. Rainy and chilly. Lovely if you're dressed appropriately and thankfully, like good Vikings, we will be.

1 comment:

della said...

I would like to see some pictures of those 'Vikings' in their gear. I think you two make quite a pair.