not all who wander are lost

not all who wander are lost

Saturday, June 05, 2010


Alexandra David Neel, the first western woman to explore Tibet. She was 55 when she reached Lhasa in 1924, disguised as a Tibetan pilgrim because it was illegal for any foreigner to cross into Tibet. She and her "adopted" son/young lama Yongden, journeyed to places never seen by a Western person. I am reading her travel memoir called, My Journey to Lhasa. Google her...absolutely amazing, inspiring, quite literally a trail-blazer.

1 comment:

della said...

I have always wanted to visit Tibet. I remember reading a book called "Lost Horizon" about a place called Shangri-la when I was quite young. It was by Jsames Hilton. I loved that book and wanted some day to visit Tibet.