not all who wander are lost

not all who wander are lost

Friday, March 19, 2010

Peace of simply Being

I watched the sunrise this morning. Like meeting an old friend. Haven't done that in awhile. I wrapped myself up in my quilt and sat on the front porch. The birds were singing it up. Sunrise. My dad died just before sunrise last June. Leo, Erik, and I watched the sunrise that morning. Full of birdsong and Dad energy and the most beautiful bittersweet feeling I've ever had in my life washing over me. Sacred.

The day is still quiet, too new for speaking and doing. I whisper my petition to the melon sky.
May we take right action today. May we find the right words. May we share Peace. The Peace of simply Being.

Blessings to the day~


della said...

My sunrise is a bit more gray today and it is too cold to sit out on our porch but sunrise is a special time of day. I am sending you extra hugs today. For some reason I need to send them on. I hope you day is full of bright colors and sunshine fills every corner. Later we are off to GR to spend the weekend with the "birthday girl" .

emily said...

I needed these words and this picture today.

Patience, quiet.

Miss you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for those words Sara, Mom