not all who wander are lost

not all who wander are lost

Monday, September 08, 2008

seattle with em

Besides the blissfulness of just being in the same space, we've been enjoying the sunny Seattle summer days. We've walked miles of city blocks, visited bookstores, Jimi Hendrix grave/memorial, Bruce Lee & Brandon Lee's grave, several parks, farmers market, a Quaker service, beach bonfire (where we serendipitously met a Sri Lankan brother/sister!! and met up with our friend Mary who we knew in Colombo!!) and a G Love concert. Mm-mm-mm. Tomorrow we're waking up early and driving to the north coast of the Olympic Peninsula to check out the local surf scene. It'll take about 4 hours to get there, ferries and highway. We rented a board from a local surf shop and 2 wetsuits....we'll see how it is. The surf shop we got the board at today was really really cool. Total "tribe vibe" nice people, smiles, mmmm. Loved it. So....prayin' for surf......and good juju for you where you are. Hugs, we love you, S&L

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful people.