not all who wander are lost

not all who wander are lost

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


it's tuesday night and leo is playing video games and i am doin' my thing. Jackie, Big Daddy's german shepherd, is barking down below. it's 9 o'clock at night. spaghetti is boiling, biscuits are in the oven. it's 90 degrees F. i'm in a sarong, freshly showered but already sweating. i just closed the sliding glass doors to the porch and turned on the fans and a/c to the bedroom so we can try to feel a little cool air throughout the rest of the apartment. we're getting ready to watch Last King of Scotland on video. my eye is completely healed up. can't hardly tell I had a sunset puffy Balboa look last week :) the healing power of the body is amazing.

it's World Red Cross Day, the birthday of Henri Dunant, founding father of the Red Cross. I took the following information from

Jean Henri Dunant (May 8, 1828-October 30, 1910).
At age twenty-six, Dunant entered the business world as a representative of the Compagnie genevoise des Colonies de Sétif in North Africa and Sicily.

Having served his commercial apprenticeship, Dunant devised a daring financial scheme, making himself president of the Financial and Industrial Company of Mons-Gémila Mills in Algeria to exploit a large tract of land. Needing water rights, he resolved to take his plea directly to Emperor Napoleon III. Undeterred by the fact that Napoleon was in the field directing the French armies who, with the Italians, were striving to drive the Austrians out of Italy, Dunant made his way to Napoleon's headquarters near the northern Italian town of Solferino. He arrived there in time to witness, and to participate in the aftermath of, one of the bloodiest battles of the nineteenth century. His awareness and conscience honed, he published in 1862 a small book Un Souvenir de Solférino [A Memory of Solferino], destined to make him famous.

A Memory told the story of the effort to care for the wounded in the small town of Castiglione and set forth a plan....for the nations of the world to form relief societies to provide care for the wartime wounded; each society should be sponsored by a governing board composed of the nation's leading figures, should appeal to everyone to volunteer, should train these volunteers to aid the wounded on the battlefield and to care for them later until they recovered.

So, happy World Red Cross Day. Have a good day, and a good night. Until tomorrow....


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